• @SrEstegosaurio@lemmy.ml
    92 years ago

    As a person who really enjoys gaming on Linux I like this notice. But I dislike the fact that some companys are ditching Linux support “because proton is a thing”

    • aks
      2 years ago

      You win some you lose some. I too want native support but proton is there to help close the gap, I hope.

      Edit: Splitgate has native build even they really didn’t “need” to make one, it’s a great game and i play it pretty much daily.

      • @drspod@lemmy.ml
        62 years ago

        The larger the market share that linux collects among gamers, the more incentive there is for developers to make native Linux builds of their games, particularly if they gain performance and stability in doing so.

        This is definitely a very good first step in that direction and I applaud Valve for their efforts.

    • @Windows97@lemmygrad.ml
      42 years ago

      I agree but fwiw proton can be better than a lot of simpler ports. I remember the binding of isaac had a native port but it ran terribly and I just stopped playing because I assumed either something was wrong with the game or it was something with linux and I couldn’t figure out which. Apparently most people just played in proton because it ran great. When the released the latest DLC they dropped linux support but it still runs better than ever on proton.