In no particular order. Feel free to post yours. :)

  • @HelixNebula@lemmy.mlOP
    12 years ago

    Age of Mythology and Quake are awesome. We played Quake III Arena on every LAN ever, even to this day.

      12 years ago

      I love seeing Age of Mythology listed. It has such flow, and it’s very much targeted to someone like me, I think. I fondly remember AoE2 but at the highest levels its a very intense game. AoM is a bit more medium paced and has interesting layers to it.

      One of my favorite things is to play the Greek and hold onto my first age power, the Lightning Bolt on late-age bosses. Then you can use your one lightning strike to 1-hit a boss and kill them. But apparently they nerfed that in updated versions of the game.