I’ve seen an issue on Github about how

It’s hard to see posts from smaller communities when you are also subscribed to larger communities.

What are your ideas on how this could be accomplished?

  • @OptimusPrime@lemmy.mlOP
    11 year ago

    The main proposal on Github is to make the visibility equal for all communities by making the weight inversely proportional to the monthly or weekly active users.

    • @OptimusPrime@lemmy.mlOP
      11 year ago

      I don’t like this. There are some instances like Lemmy.ml that may want more of some kind of content, in it’s case FOSS and Privacy communities. This way you would force all instances to be about all topics equally. I personally don’t like to see so much Shit Reactionaries Say posts from Lemmygrad.ml on Lemmy.ml but while this would fix that, it creates a bigger problem than what it’s fixing. There has to be a better way.

      What I would like is for users to be able to give communities a weight in the form of 0-100 points represented as 0 to 5 stars and get an amount of posts from each community in their feed proportional to the weight. Otherwise assign a weight automatically to each community based on each user interactions with the posts in the community as a percentage of upvotes vs downvotes. If this would require too much computation then it could be the same but getting the community rating from the average of each user rating for that community. Alternatively only take into account the admins rating and that way the instance is personalized according only to the admin preferences and not the users. But this could make community subscriptions redundant, so it’s probably not the best idea.